Austenland by Shannon Hale

Oh, I loved this. It made me laugh out loud several times, and then I told a lot of friends about it. It's a lovely, funny romance with clever allusions to various Jane Austen novels and the films based thereon. Seems like I've read and seen plenty of stuff that alludes to Jane Austen, but not necessarily successfully, but Austenland is great! It's not profound or anything, but I loved it. And it's very clean!


  1. www.todaysmama.blogspot.comThursday, November 01, 2007 9:44:00 AM

    Erin, Just took a look at your blog--I love Shannon Hale books and didn't know she had a new one out. I will have to read Austenland. Have you read Princess Academy and Goose Girl??? Those are her two best, in my opinion, of her fairy tale series, and made it to my top book list. Clean and fun and interesting enough to appeal to all ages, yet layered enough to make it a classic. ~Val Harmon

  2. Hey, Valerie! No, I haven't read any other Shannon Hale books yet, though my oldest boy has. My sister read Goose Girl and liked it a lot. Her books are on my To Be Read list for sure.

  3. I've read all three that y'all have mentioned, though not any others. I really liked all of them. Austenland was a lot of fun. Thank you again for that book, Erin. I've already passed it on to a friend. Goose Girl-we read for book club and I think everyone really liked it.


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