Until the Real Thing Comes Along by Elizabeth Berg

I read Open House by this author several years ago and liked it, but this novel set me on an Elizabeth Berg path--I've since read two more novels and some short stories by her. It's like finding another Anne Tyler. Not that they are the same, but it's been a while since I've wanted to read more by a particular author. (It's also kind of nice to discover an author after she's written several books, instead of having to wait for whatever she's writing next.)

The descriptions of longing in this are so real they made my heart hurt. I loved it. I'll post about the other books by her soon.


  1. i just read talk before sleep by elizabeth berg... it was a beautiful and sad book.... i actually cried a few times... which doesn't really happen when i'm reading... uncle steve sent it to me... i want to read more of her too... did you read it? if you haven't, be prepared to have a very strong urge to be with all of your loved one's as much as you can.... life is way too short...


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