I'm not necessarily a fan, but a famous person is a famous person!

Over the 4th of July weekend, I took my kids to the Huntsman Springs event in Driggs. It's in its second year, but this was the first time they had an all-day carnival type of thing going on during the day. Face-painting, bouncy houses, various kinds of entertainment (of which I only saw the air show, which was cool). All free, except for the food vendors. (True to form, I bought the kids one funnel cake and one cup of honey lemonade to share; I'm cheap. Also, I wouldn't let the kids do anything that required standing in a long line. I'm cheap and mean!)

It was really a great event, but we couldn't stay long because of other obligations we had that day. On our way out, we bumped into this guy:

Okay, we didn't literally bump into Glenn Beck. (Although I did nearly bump into one of the security guys who was creating a space around him as he walked along.) But we were pretty close for a few minutes. In the above photo, he's sitting in the real Herbie, the Love Bug. Mira said (loudly), "Why is he allowed to get into Herbie?" I think I said, "Because he's a celebrity," and she thought that was pretty cool. That's Seth in the front left corner, black hat.


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