Mira's baptism

On Saturday, October 19, Mira was baptized by Jon at the LDS church building in Prague. We tried to talk her into getting baptized in the river, but she didn't find that idea appealing. We were happy to share the event with another American family, whose daughter Maleia is Mira's age. Maleia's dad works at the US Embassy here in Prague.

Even though they weren't in the river, the girls said the water in the baptismal font was really cold! When they tested it beforehand, they were confident that it was plenty warm, but I guess it felt quite different when they actually got in. I hope Maleia and Mira remember their baptism day and stay long-distance friends and someday become roommates at BYU or something. That'd be cool, wouldn't it? Anyway, here are pictures!

Jon and Mira outside the church building.

Maleia and Mira. Aren't they cute? They both have dimples! Maleia's mom Monique took these pictures and I'm so glad she did! The leaves on the vine behind them are beautiful, too.

Heading into the church.

The dads and their daughters in their baptismal clothes.

Maleia's baptism dress was also worn by her mom and by her mom's aunt, I think, when they were baptized. Pretty cool!

Jon and Mira in the front lobby of the church.

For those who don't know, in our church baptism is available to those age 8 and over, because 8 is considered the age of accountability -- old to enough to know right from wrong and to be able to make important choices. The baptism is performed by someone who holds the Priesthood, in this case the fathers of the girls being baptized. It is done by immersion, which means that the person being baptized is fully immersed in water to symbolize the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and also the beginning of a new life as a follower of him. There's more here if you're interested.


  1. What a special day. Mira is super cute, she looks so happy with her friend. I love the pictures and those fall leaves look fake like they were arranged there. So beautiful.

  2. I've been wondering about this since her bday in Aug. She looks simply radiant and beautiful! Congratulations Mira on your decision to be baptized. We're so happy for you! Love you all!


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