Maltese Cats in Sliema with Mira

Mira and I made it to Malta! This is where our trip really began, at the airport which has a nice aquarium:

Some views around the town of Sliema where we stayed. It has big built-up tourist areas but also plenty of locals and older buildings:

The promenade along the beach is great. Along the southeastern tip (see this Google Maps view) there are swimming pools cut into the stone in the ocean and people swim and practice diving there with constantly renewed water but without being in the open ocean:

And there are cats. First, this statue of one looking out over a bay, then some real ones. They’re pretty mellow:

I srictly didn’t park my lack of a car here:

And while it probably seemed like a good idea to mix “energy” plus “Malta” to make the name of the electric company, “Enemalta” didn’t sound so good when we saw this sign outside public toilets:

We will have more to share about this beautiful island!


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