Maximum Ride: The Angle Experiment by James Patterson

This young adult novel has a dumb name, an even worse cover, and it’s by James Patterson, who wrote Suzanne’s Letters to Nicholas, which I read a few years ago and hated. You’d think I’d steer clear of his stuff, and I normally would, but my oldest son wanted to read it, and while I couldn’t possibly read everything he reads, I thought this looked like something I ought to check out. It was surprisingly enjoyable. Not a great or important book, but entertaining. It’s kind of an X-Men story, about kids who’ve been genetically engineered to have wings. I know, it sounds stupid! But like I said, I enjoyed it. It's a little violent, and since there's a barely-begun romance in this one, I'll have to read the sequels, too, before my son does. But I kind of want to! I'm still surprised.


  1. If Zed likes science fiction, has he read the Artemis Fowl series? If he is a voracious reader, he probably has, but I thought I'd recommend it just in case. I love the whole series (you, of course, have to read the first one first, but it's actually my least favorite, so reserve judgement until after the second).

  2. Oh, yes, he's read the Artemis Fowl books. Several times, I think. He loves science fiction and fantasy right now. I liked The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman. It's part of a trilogy, and I haven't read the others yet. Have you read those? I know Zed would like them, but the first one seemed too dark or something, and I haven't introduced him yet. Maybe I should, though. Most recently, I made him start All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot. I thought he needed something to supplement (or offset) all the fantasy he's been reading. He likes it a lot.


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