Look at Me

I picked this up in the comedy section at the library. I don't really know why it was in the comedy section. And I had no idea it was going to be in French. In fact, I got it to watch while I was folding about 6 loads of laundry and ended up not being able fold at all because I had to stare at the screen to read the subtitles! :) (No, I didn't choose to do the laundry instead of watching the movie like a responsible homemaker.)

I enjoyed watching it, but like a lot of foreign films (French, especially) it sort of went on and on with all these detailed, complex relationships and then it just ends. American movies resolve things. There's usually some sort of ending that makes everyone live happily ever after. This one just ended. Oh, well. Not a reason to not like it. It's just different, that's all. I liked the characters, the relationships, the complexity of their lives. I liked the fat, unappreciated daughter who is trying to win her father's affection, but never really does. I liked that she ends up with pretty cool boyfriend (sort of happily-ever-afterish).


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