If you want to hear some Czech ...

Here's a five-minute video in Czech (with English subtitles) if you're interested in hearing the language we're trying to learn. It's a man's short but moving story about growing up Jewish in a town called Mukacevo:

I can't understand much of it, but I hear the numbers and a few other words. I'll keep trying! :)


  1. You are an amazingly competent women who can do this!!!! Just watch out that you do not use the kids as a crutch. They will learn the language quicker and I grew up with alot of friends who had granmas in the kitchen who could not speak english and never went outside because of it. The grannies always used the kids as translators. So take your amazing self outside once a day by yourself once you get there and conquer czech like I know you can. I am in awe that you are doing this!!!

  2. Ah, Veronica, you totally hit the nail on the head! I know I will be tempted to lean on the kids and on Jon when he's with us. It's a great idea for me to go out by myself every day! When Jon and I visited Berlin in 2008, I noticed that I let him do most of the talking when we were together, but when he had to work and I got to explore on my own, I did fine! It was a good realization for me, and I need to remember it when we're in Prague. It's a good excuse for alone time, too, I guess! :)


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