Bridget Jones's Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding

I’ve been stewing over what I’d write about these two books for a while now. While I love them and find them very funny, I wouldn’t recommend them to many people I know. There’s a lot of offensive language in them, and Bridget and her friends are constantly trying to “hook up” with people, to use a euphemism that Oprah has surely exposed to horrified parents.

But like I said, I love them. The diary form provides lots of insight into the swiftly swinging moods of a 30-something single woman. One minute Bridget is happily planning how rapidly her career will improve, the next she’s wallowing in self-pity. While I haven’t been in those particular shoes, the mood swings in general are familiar, as is the astoudning talent for procrastination. Yep, I’m a little bit like her.


  1. The books say the F word and other English equivalents to many times for my taste. But when the movies come onto TV They're great. I've only seen the first one (edited for TV) and loved the fight scene with Collin Firth and Hugh Grant. I saw Grant interviewed once and he said the scene was not choreographed and there were no stunt men. They just wanted it to look like a realistic fight that two white-collar white men would have. And it did. Funny. I still don't like Ranee Zellweger. She bugs me but I guess she is perfect for that part.


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