Arrested Development, Season One (2003)

I really enjoyed this and even started to feel a little addicted to it by the end. I like watching TV shows on DVD—it’s great to have no commercials and to be able to watch as many episodes as you want. Although this can also be detrimental if you watch six or eight episodes and find it’s 1:00 am when you finally force yourself to stop. Anyway, “Arrested Development” is very funny. All of the characters are hilarious and well-acted, and one of them rides a Segue! Shouldn’t more people be making fun of Segues?

I’m looking forward to seeing the second season, but I don’t know if we can bring ourselves to buy it. We like to leach off of other people for our DVD needs, especially when it comes to TV shows.


  1. Hi Erin Lisa from Seattle here. Mark loves Arrested Development. We have all 3 seasons and he loves to watch them over again. Many little details to catch on repeated viewings.

  2. I do look forward to seeing the other two seasons. And I'm kind of glad that it's a finite number of episodes, even though it's a great show and probably should have continued instead of other, stupider shows. I remember having a sudden realization of my naivete soon after Jon and I started watching 24. It was the first season, and such a new and interesting idea. And then one day, I thought, "Wait! They're not going to end this after 24 hours' worth of episodes!" Duh. But I wish there were more TV shows that would just be great for a certain amount of time and then end. (Not that 24 isn't still great; I've heard that it is, but we stopped watching about halfway through season three.)

  3. arrested development is hilarious. we flew through all three seasons last year and it definitely hits you at 1-3 in the mornin when you are still asking yourself if you should watch the next episode! AHHHHHHHH! thanks alot internet. shelbro

  4. I'm so glad you and Jon liked it. (I got it for Jon for Christmas, thank you...) I myself have never even seen a whole episode but what I did see was pretty funny. I'll have to borrow your first season, Erin. And I also like the idea of ending shows. They are screwing up LOST by keeping it going instead of ending it after a finite number of episodes like they originally planned. They got greedy when it had such great ratings and decided to keep it going on and on.... Now it's far too complicated and very frustrating. Daniel says that in Ecuador, their soap operas are like little mini series. They have endings and then they start another one. Smart.

  5. Jon and I watched the first season of Lost on DVD, and we liked it pretty well. But even then it was starting to slow down a bit, and there were episodes where not much really happened. Did they originally intend to tell a story and end it? I certainly thought that was the intent when we started watching it; I thought they had a plot in mind, maybe even on paper. And then it seemed to lose its direction, and I started to wonder if they were just making it up as they went along. I just don't have the time to watch a TV show for years. Or I don't want to take the time, I guess. It's possible that the average TV-viewer resists change and wants to watch favorite characters for years at a time. I'm sure I'm not the average TV-viewer, that's for sure.

  6. Yes. Lost was supposed to end. And yes, now they are making it up as they go along.(or were. They probably have the plot sort of figured out after taking a long break and not starting up again until Feb.) They have opened up so many more secret twists and turns, I can't see how they will EVER resolve all of them.

  7. stupid lost .... we are hooked on that one too... got us after the first season when we were watchin i thought it would all wrap up by the end of season 1 but noooooooooooooo.... then they introduce a million new characters with back stories and kill em off and bring them back ....lame.... the original concept would have saved it as a good idea but now it is just another prime time soap opera. that being said we will still see it in feb to finish this season..

  8. one more site that you might be interested in.... it has lost and heroes which i like alot.... the files are through links and in .avi format at about 350 mb a piece so you need hard drive space and decent internet connection if you dont want to wait forever to download one show....they are in HD just like watching on tv or dvd though so that is nice.....

  9. Arrested Development. Best Comedy ever. I am so glad that the producers of TV comedy are realizing that SOME of the American TV viewing public are smart enough to know when to laugh without a laugh track. We watched all 3 seasons as re-runs on G4. Then we went out and bought all three seasons, and have never even unwrapped the packaging. I'll mail them to you to borow for a while if you want. email me a t Lost. Yes, they had planned a much smaller story arch becuase they didn't know how popular and how long it would last. They have, however, said that the definitive plan is a five season arch that WILL END. The tricky part, according to JJ Abrams is to talk the network into letting them actually kill their beautiful fat cash cow. Heroes. SOOO Good! I am a huge geek and it shows. I love superheroes, fantacy, scifi, cheesy action flicks, cartoons with the kids, video games, etc, etc, etc. WATCH HEROES. My only complaint is that every episode ends before you want it to. Have I told you how TIVO has improved my family life. We have been addicted to certain shows, sometimes at the expense of our children. We would rush through dinner and skip all our nightly rituals for shows. Now with TIVO, we set our shows to record, and don't worry about it. Now help the kids with reading and homework, they have baths and brush teeth, we read scriptures togehter, and all the other nightly family rituals. Then Camille and I come downstairs and watch our shows. And the best part....Fast forwarding commercials. It is worth the money.

  10. I'll definitely email you about borrowing Arrested Development. Yay! Haven't seen Heroes, but I've heard of it. I'm not a superhero geek, but I love conspiracy stuff, like The X-Files. I loved all the episodes that had to do with the big conspiracy, and the regular ones not so much. That's what I liked about Lost, too, but sometimes I wasn't sure that the explanation was going to be very satisfying. I'm not sure yet if I want to invest that kind of time in watching the show, if the explanation might be stupid. I used to tape shows Jon and I wanted to watch, and we'd watch them later. That's how we watched 24 and Boot Camp, the only reality TV show we ever watched. Jon called me his human TiVo. After being able to fast-forward through commercials, it's almost unbearable to watch any other way. Maybe TiVo should do an ad campaign based on your family! I can totally see how the commercials would go, showing Before and After scenes of family life. Kind of like those family first commercials the church did a while back, but about TiVo. TiVo makes you better parents! Maybe you could sell the idea to TiVo.

  11. Thanks, Chris, for sending those DVDs. We've been having fun watching them.


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