Kutná Hora and Prague Castle garden

We visited the town Kutná Hora, about an hour from Prague by bus. Its Sedlec area is home to the famous ossuary = bone house, a church with a still functional chapel upstairs and displays of human bones in the basement. Many others have published photos of that, including these by Zed: signature, chandelier, coat of arms, angel weirdness, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc., IHS.

In the town proper we saw this Soviet war memorial:

The plaque reads:

Zde stanul 9.V.1945 první voják Rudé Armády naší osvoboditelky z německé poroby vděčni a věrni zůstaneme

Which roughly translates to:

Here stood on the 9th of May 1945 the first soldier of the Red Army, our liberators from German bondage. We remain grateful and faithful.

This was a neat church that was closed to prepare for Easter Sunday the next day, but a very nice lady who arrived to do some setup work there let us in to look around:

And while I'm documenting memorial plaques, here's another one:

Which reads, if I've transcribed correctly:

Na tomto místě stávala budova Tellerova cukrovaru, kde došlo v r[oce] 1926 k velké dělnické stávce za zlepšeni pracovních podmínek a zvýšení mezd

With rough translation:

On this site stood the building Teller sugar refinery, where in 1926 there was a large working-class strike for better working conditions and wage increases.

The building has been torn out, and there's a large vacant lot now.

Now, back in Prague we went to the Kralovský Letohradek, the king's little summer castle:

And some more walking around to other buildings and the sv. Víta = St. Vitus cathedral:

And here in the sidewalk remains a sewer lid from the GDR, former East Germany:


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