Down and Derby (2005)

Having participated in three Pinewood Derbies, the last one with two sons racing cars, and with many to come in the future, it was fun to watch this movie. It's nice to watch a comedy that isn't determined to be crude and inappropriate, too. I enjoyed it.


  1. Hey, Erin. I've been reading your posts and have put a few things on hold at the library that you've recomended. I'll have to let you know if I ever actually read any of them. Don't know if I'm intellectual enough for some of your suggestions. But I can probably "get" Down and Derby or Nacho Libre, eh? You mentioned reading "Standing Under the Rainbow." READ "Daisy Fay and The Miracle Man" (same author) for a very fast read but totally worth it. They say Laughter is great medicine, right? If that's true, this'll cure many things.

  2. Yes, I want to read Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man. I'll get to it someday. I can't think of anything I've read recently that would be too intellectual for you, Ivy! You're silly. What have you put on hold? I'm finally reading that Draper book that Dad loaned me and learning all kinds of things about our ancestors that I didn't know. Have you seen Down and Derby? I think you'd enjoy it, and so would your boys. Mine did. I think it also made them appreciate that their dad isn't super competitive like the dads in the movie.


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