Princess Academy by Shannon Hale

I loved Austenland and thought it was about time I tried something else by Shannon Hale. I didn't love Princess Academy in the same way, but I liked it pretty well. My favorite thing about it is how the main character learns that her assumptions about people are usually wrong. It's an entertaining story with good messages, just like a kids' novel ought to be.

Shannon Hale is a better writer than most of the LDS authors out there these days. I'll be reading more of her stuff.


  1. Shannan Hale was really good at writing something completely different from her other stuff when she wrote "Austenland." I know people who love her other stuff but didn't like "Austenland." I liked both. I've read "Princess Academy" and "Goose Girl." I don't remember a lot about them though. ??

  2. the Goose Girl was the best of her books in my opinion.


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