In Her Shoes (2005)

This is a surprisingly good movie, much more than a romantic comedy. Well-written and well-acted, with some pretty serious elements in the story. I read the book a while back, which is also good, but the first scene in the book is graphic and fairly shocking (an odd way to start a book, I thought), while the same scene in the movie is a little easier to take. The characters have more depth than you'd expect. Toni Collette and Cameron Diaz are excellent, as is Shirley MacLaine, who is always a delight, but a less abrasive delight than usual here.


  1. I love reading your suggestions because I find that I always agree with you! This movie was really good! I enjoyed it in the movie theater twice (had to go back with my mom when she was visiting.) I am starting realize that Toni Collette is always good. Maybe its her imperfect teeth that make her so believable...?

  2. Thanks, Cheryl! I do like Toni Collette. Have you seen Muriel's Wedding? It's rated R, so I've only seen an edited version, but I loved it. Don't know what was edited out exactly, so I can't recommend it wholeheartedly, but if you can find it on TV sometime, watch it.


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