Our First Day In Germany

Hey, everybody. Right now I am in our apartment writing this blog post. I’m really tired from the jet lag. We just got back from dinner at this really good outdoor cafe, where I had some yummy lasagna, during which I fell asleep several times. Our flight over the Atlantic was really boring for most of the time, but I watched Race to Witch Mountain and part of Hotel For Dogs and listened to a lot of music, so it wasn’t too bad. I am really tired. Today we went to the Brandenburger Tor, and that was awesome. Here is a picture of me in front of it:

Also, a picture of the American Embassy.

Here are a couple of photos from a church that me and Dad went to this morning:

We also went to the Reichstag, which is where their Congress meets. It has this really cool dome at the top that has open areas in between so that air can get in, but rain can’t. It also has a bunch of awesome mirrors on the middle that are really cool. There was really a huge line in front of the Reichstag, and we had to wait for like, half an hour just to get inside, but then it was worth it. Here are some pictures, one from the front and the rest from inside the dome:

A few from our apartment in Charlottenburg:

Check out the giant geode!

And one more, this is a little store on Unter den Linden, Dad thought it was pretty funny.


  1. Thanks for posting, Zed! Dad and I didn't go inside the Reichstag when we were there, so I'm glad you went in. You can actually see Congress meeting through windows above or something, can't you?

  2. Oh man, HOW FUN!!! What great pictures! I wanna see more! Have a great time you two!

  3. i'm so excited for you zed!... and i'm so glad that you're sharing it with us.... i hate that i miss so much... but at least i can see pictures and read your posts... have fun and keep up on the posting.... love you guys!

  4. Wow! (says Grammie, but I don't think she submitted, and she will probably post something later. So, this is Grandad. Wow is right! I didn't know you went to Germany with your Dad. Is that right? No fair. I've never been outside th US except for Mexico a few times. Are you playing hooky from school?, HA. I know you are always learning, so hope you have a great time, learn a lot and bring home some good memrories to share. Have fun. Grandad. PS. who's the guy at the laptop in the apt pic?

  5. Hi, Dad-pretending-to-be-Mom! That's Jon's friend/colleague Stefan. He's there for the trade show, too. He and his wife are sharing an apartment for the week with Jon and Zed.

  6. Cool pictures! Are you getting over your jet lag? That would be the hardest part.

  7. cool Zed. is it hard to talk to people there?

  8. Ivy: I wasn't then, but I am now. Today is Wednesday (actually Thursday for me; it's after midnight). Justin: If you mean is it hard to speak German to people? Yes, but only because I hardly know any of the language. Most of the time they know English, so we talk in that.


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