Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale

I started writing one of my typical quick reviews of this book, and then abruptly quit because while I was writing it, I read a blog post by the author about how to be a reader in which she questions the value of the question: "Did you like it?" As well as the answers thereto, of course.

So I suddenly felt like I needed to write a really great review of this. And then nothing happened for a long time.

I've decided a quick review is better than nothing, so here we go. It's based on a fairy tale I'm not familiar with called Maid Maleen (and if you follow that link, there are other links that are highly entertaining; Shannon Hale's website is funny and fun!). I loved it! And here's why: the narrator is the most reasonable character in the book, and yet she changes and grows, maybe more than anyone else. The writing is lovely but believable as a journal. So there: highly recommended!


  1. I've read her book "Goose Girl". Think I'll try this one.


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