Packsaddle Lake

Today I hiked to Packsaddle Lake with girls from Darby Girls Camp, something like 30 girls and 7 leaders including myself. It's not a long or difficult hike, and it's pretty. (See note below, however!)

Apparently the lake is an old volcano. The rope swing at the lake was really cool. Many of the girls gave it a go and had a great time:

This was one of the suspected causes of the "except for ..." note above:

I believe I was more eaten by mosquitoes than on any other hike I've been on. I don't like using bug repellent so I put up with a lot of annoyance before using it, but I finally gave in and still the mosquitoes were busy with me. It wasn't so bad at the lake itself or most of the hike back, I think because it was later in the day and the wind had picked up a bit. Just something to remember that you can't see in photos of beautiful scenery. :)

Anyway, it was a nice hike.


  1. bravo for you, Erin. any hike seems huge to me. i prefer to be on one of the horses. except Ginger was such a pill at even the tiniest streams. back to basic training. jo

  2. Jon went on that hike, not me. You can tell who wrote what by looking right under the title of each post.


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