Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

I really liked My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult, but I felt manipulated by Nineteen Minutes. Which makes me wonder if My Sister's Keeper was manipulative in the same way. I'm guessing yes. Someday I'll read something else by her, and then maybe I can solidify my theory that she has figured out how to write riveting but manipulative stories. Right now my theory is based on the two books I've read and the fact that she is a prolific and popular author (a novel almost every year for the last 17 years!). A pretty lame basis for a theory, but there you go.


  1. Totally agree with "riveting but manipulative." I read these in reverse order and thus felt that M.S.Keeper was the manipulative one. BUT I LOVED the lawyer's comebacks every time someone would ask object to his dog (a service dog but he wouldn't tell why he had it.) Actually the humor was so funny that it didn't seem quite right in such a horribly serious story. I'd love to go back and write down all his comebacks. Thought I could remember them but....Oh, I've read a couple of other books by her and now feel like I'm done. Her formula is annoying me at this point. Jo


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