Another week in Plovdiv

Mira made her own mock MP3 player, headphones, and charger out of cardboard, tape, and yarn:

On Wednesday the whole family went to see the new Thor movie in 3D at a movie theater. The audio was in the original English and there were Bulgarian subtitles. Some sights seen on the way there and back:

Afterward we walked to Гребна база, a large rowing canal in the west of town near the river. It looks like the canal is about 2 km long, and in the winter there are people out walking, running, and biking around it:

We had the LDS sister missionaries over one night for dinner. Sister Frame is on the left. She's from Ephraim, Utah, and finishes her mission and heads home this coming week. Sister Davidson is on the right.

Yesterday I got to watch the sun set from on top of Младежки хълм:

And for the first time I found the smaller hill overlook not far from our house, Таксим тепе, where there is an abandoned building in a pretty advanced state of decay. It was fun to explore. I had a nice evening view over the Turkish mosque and Главната, the main pedestrian shopping area above the Roman stadium:

Tonight we had two other missionaries over for dinner, Elder Mock from South Carolina, who has been transferred to Sofia and leaves this week, and Elder Killpack from Idaho Falls:

Elder Killpack knows the names of all Mira's My Little Pony toys and proved it in a test today:

Some garbage cans and empty bottles are too much of a draw for these cats. Even after being scattered a few times, they kept coming back:


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