Cold Plovdiv days with some sun

The days have gotten colder here. One day we had "freezing fog", which felt just like you'd expect. We bundle up with scarves and sometimes gloves. But when the sun's out for an hour here and there, it's very nice to be outside.

Near the main eastern approach to Сахат тепе/Данов хълм, off Главната. This would be a cool building with nice views when renovated:

Looking northwest from the overlook by the radio towers on Сахат тепе/Данов хълм, see the Turkish clock tower, and left and down from it many different stone stairways built into the hill going down toward a park:

We've been to Таксим тепе and the decaying building there a few times since finding it. Thanks to whoever owns it for leaving it wide open with no fences or signs to keep out!

A museum below Таксим тепе with painted-on columns typical of the areas:

A view north/northwest with the tower of църква Св. Богородица (Church of the Holy Mother of God):

Watch out what "candy" you buy without looking carefully:

There are not many, but still a few of East Germany's Trabants driving around here in good shape, without the fancy modifications many of those remaining in Germany have seen:

Sunday night Lillian and I went for a walk down Главната, the pedestrian shopping area of town, to see the Christmas lights:

Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. Does "fancy modifications" include a working parking brake, or does the rock in front of the wheel come standard? :)

    1. I don't think the rock came standard when it was new, but it's a pretty common piece of equipment nowadays. :)


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