Amazon affiliate links

So I talked Erin into signing up for an Amazon Associates account and adding salted links to the reviews on this blog. We'll see if anyone follows the links and wittingly or unwittingly sends some Amazon credit our way. My guess is it will take a long time before it amounts to anything, if ever.

It also remains to be seen how we feel about profiteering (however meagerly) from what was never intended to be anything but personal musings. But we're giving it a try, and we'd be happy to have a little subsidy of our reading and listening purchases.

In any case, we both still highly recommend that you borrow or buy books etc. from a friend or a local bookstore where possible. Amazon has its merits, but it can't replace the knowledgeable and personable help at a bookstore or a good friend's personal library!

Updated 31 May 2011: I'm just finishing up removing all of the Amazon affiliate links so we can use a certain free spam filter that Jon found. The spammers have been crazy persistent lately, and we've never made anything with the affiliate links, so it seemed like the best thing to do.


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