The other movies I saw in August. (Yes, I know it's pretty much October now. I'm a little behind!)

Breach (2004)

This is about Robert Hansson, the FBI agent who was recently convicted for selling government secrets to the Russians, and it is excellent. Excellent acting by Chris Cooper, Ryan Phillipe, Laura Linney, and others. From what I can tell, it’s fairly accurate, too.

Miss Potter (2006)

Also very good and not just a feel-good movie like I thought it might be, this is about Beatrix Potter, the author of the Peter Rabbit books.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

Watched this before reading the fifth book and enjoyed it, but now that I’ve read the books (okay, some books), I think the movies are much more fun. As demonstrated by ...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

The first Harry Potter movie I’ve seen in a theater, and I loved it. Even though it glosses over and leaves out much in the book, I thought it added something, too. Like the speakers blaring Professor Umbridge’s shrill voice after she’s finally completed her takeover of Hogwarts. Perfect!

Because I Said So (2007)

I liked that this was not just about young love, but also about middle-aged love. Also loved the daughter educating the mother about certain aspects of ... um ... relationships.

About a Boy (2002)

I think this is wonderful: quirky and funny, but also serious. (The language is potentially more offensive than in most other PG-13 movies.)


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