Metro Girl by Janet Evanovich

Apparently I was in the mood for something that didn't require any thought on my part. Or on the author's part, actually. (That was kind of mean. I'm sure the plot required some fitting together and maybe even a little bit of research. Maybe not, though.) It was a nice rest for my brain, kind of like watching TV. I don't think I'll be reading any more like this, though I like to say "Janet Evanovich."


  1. I have read one book by this lady. It was a romance, though she usually does Mysteries. Haven't picked up any of those, though I had a friend recommend her to me. She thought the books were laugh-out-loud funny. The book I read wasn't. (Shrug)

  2. I have pretty much no interest in reading "romance" novels ever again. I've only read a couple, but I don't like formulaic stuff in general. I don't really like mysteries, either. And I'm pretty sure I won't be reading anything else by this author. It was definitely mind-candy, like watching an action film. There were a couple of funny lines in this book, and when I tried, I could imagine someone making them even funnier with good delivery. I guess I just wasn't doing the dramatic reading that I could have been doing.


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