We missed out on the TV series Northern Exposure when it first aired, but Erin got into reruns of it in the late 1990s, and we’ve watched most of it on DVD since. Phin has lately started watching it from the beginning too, during his rare allotted blocks of TV time. During our recent drive up to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada , we took the opportunity to make a little side trip to Roslyn, Washington, which was the actual location of the fictional Cicely, Alaska portrayed in Northern Exposure. It’s a very small town, and we were there late enough in the day that most businesses were closed, but it was fun to see it in person at last.
Pathetic movie made from a surprisingly good fantasy book. Christopher Paolini was a kid when he wrote it and you can tell. I think he used a word-of-the-day calander while writting it. Every 5 or 10 pages he busts out an obscure word, uses it once, and then moves on the next word-of-the-day. Plot and story points are obviously ripped off from other fantacy and science fiction stories. There is a very clear Obi-wan taking Luke under his wing vibe. Why do so many youth fiction novels deal with orphaned children finding out they are the children of some grand inheritance or some such? Somehow, even with obvious leaning on other authors, Paolini still manages to suck you into the story and cheer for his characters.