Music and Lyrics (2007)

This was funny and cute, but not sickeningly so. The fake ‘80s video is a masterpiece—mostly Wham!, but also elements of Duran Duran and other ‘80s New Wave bands. Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore learned to sing for these roles, which is pretty cool.


  1. I really enjoyed this movie. The music video was so funny. And I thought the music was good, too. I mean, yes, it is very Wham! but I sort of liked Wham! We would listen to them in 6th grade. Our teacher let us bring albums in, and listen to them while we worked sometimes, and someone had their record. Anyway, "Pop Goes My Heart" was stuck in my head for days. And I thought the song they end up writing was pretty catchy too. Anyway, very entertaining, funny movie.

  2. How weird, we just saw this as well. It was much, much better than I thought it would be. I loved the way they skewered the entire music industry. Hugh Grant gave a great performance in this. It's always nice to see actors really sing as well (although nothing to match the mighty Moulin Rouge).


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