Other People's Dirt: A Housecleaner's Curious Adventures by Louise Rafkin

Louise Rafkin likes to clean, so after getting her degree in Comparative Literature, she decided to become a professional house cleaner. In this book, she tells of her own experiences cleaning and interviews others who clean. It’s entertaining and short, which in this case is a good thing, because while it’s a fun read, there’s just enough material for a slightly shorter book.


  1. Hey, THAT'S what you can do with your Comparative Literature degree!

  2. I kind of AM doing that with my degree. But not very well. Really not well at all.

  3. one more site that you might be interested in.... http://www.oliv3r.net/index.php it has lost and heroes which i like alot.... the files are through links and in .avi format at about 350 mb a piece so you need hard drive space and decent internet connection if you dont want to wait forever to download one show....they are in HD just like watching on tv or dvd though so that is nice.....


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