Let sleeping dogs lie in Kiev

Phin and I are in Kiev, Ukraine for YAPC::Europe, the annual “Yet Another Perl Conference,” where I’m giving a talk tomorrow called Adventures in Perl packaging.

Kiev is a beautiful and vibrant city and we’re enjoying it. I’ll have more to say and show about it later, but today just a few photos from the area where we’re staying.

We’re staying right off Khreshchatyk Street (Вулиця Хрещатик), the main street of Kiev. Our apartment overlooks the large Independence Square (Майдан Незалежності), where there are lots of people day and night, until well after midnight:

A small pack of dogs lives on the street here. The first is a photo of them around noon, the second in the evening, resting from the heat:


  1. It's beautiful. How do the residents in the area treat the dogs? Are they like a group pet like the Boston post office cat or the Boston public library cat? Hope your presentation goes well.

  2. Wow. What an experience! It is a beautiful city. So glad Phin got to go.

  3. Veronica, I haven't seen anyone interact with them at all. But I haven't been here long yet.

  4. What a great experience for Phin to be able to go. (And he is equal parts you and Erin. It's amazing how kids do that!)


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