The Illusionist (2006)

I'm not really crazy about the main actor, Norton,(he looks like a little weasel and he played a bad, weasel-like guy in "The Italian Job") but I did really like this movie. It was entertaining and had a fun plot. I sort of guessed a lot of the movie's plot twists, but not all so it was still surprising. Jessica Biel is so beautiful in this movie that I wasn't even sure it was her. I had to look it up on the internet to make sure it was the same girl that is on that show "7th Heaven" that I can't stand. It was! But I really liked her in this movie. Great ending (of course or I probably wouldn't have liked it). :)


  1. I heard or read that this is not nearly as good as The Prestige, but I'd still like to see it sometime. Have you seen both?

  2. No, I haven't seen The Prestige but I think I heard the opposite as you. Those I've talked to like "The Illusionist" better. Daniel saw "The Prestige" and said I wouldn't really like it. I've heard "The Illusionist" is more of a chick flick and maybe that's why those I've talked to (chicks) liked it better. It must have been sort of lame for the producers of these movies to realize they were coming out with magician movies at the same time.

  3. The Prestige is one of my favorite recent movies. It is a little dark as it is about revenge and the two main characters take it to the extreem. Plus I have a strange facilnation with seeing David Bowie in movies.

  4. we just watched the prestige and i liked it....interesting and bowie plays tesla who is a real person.... makes me want to check out his history more because of the strange experiments he did and why arent they implimented today? nothing beats bowie in labyrinth with the big hair and codpiece..... or was it stretchiepants?... anyway i would recommend prestige and look forward to the illusionist because norton is one of my favorite actors...

  5. I wrote about The Prestige here. There's a link to the wikipedia article on Nikola Tesla in it. He was a very interesting person, but he didn't really do the trick that he does in the movie. Definitely worth reading about, though. I loved Davie Bowie in Labyrinth, mostly because I was a teenager and thought he was cute.

  6. we watched the illusionist and i liked it.... i like norton though.... anyway just thought i would chime in my two cents.... glad you guys had fun in hawaii....if you get a chance watch the frontline special : the mormons. it streams from the frontline website, which has been a recent source of viewing enjoyment for me... good ol curious what you think about the documentary they put together... talk to ya soon...

  7. I have now seen The Illusionist, too. I liked it a lot, although I kind of wish I hadn't figured out what was going to happen. It's too bad The Illusionist and The Prestige came out nearly at the same time. They're really different stories, even though the subject matter and time period are so similar. Anyway, I liked both of them. Mike, I do want to see The Mormons, but I'll have to bug Jon about it sometime when he's ready to turn off his computer--it's usually on for days at a time with all of his work stuff open. We both use Linux, so the streaming thing doesn't work (as far as I could tell when I tried). But Jon has Windows on his machine, and occasionally he'll reboot into Windows and we'll watch videos people have sent us or whatever. It's a small price we pay to use a superior operating system that doesn't make Jon insane. (He's not a Windows fan.)

  8. understandable.... windows is lame a lot of the time... but linux has its limits... unlike in the past when it was all that and a bag of chips.... well check it out.... pretty interesting... just watched the end of the second part the other nite... check it out..


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