Небет тепе (Nebet Tepe)

It turns out that our house is at the foot of one of Plovdiv's three main hills, Nebet Tepe. From our front door, we walk less then ten minutes up stone paths and stairs ...

... to this:

It's hard to find information on the ruins there, but from what I've read, it's a mix of Thracian, Roman, and Turkish fortifications, the most recent of which is from the 14th century. It's a big open area on top of the hill and the kids had a great time climbing all over the walls and down into the various broken-down towers and even one short tunnel/archway that leads to the outside of the hill and more paths. It's awesome to be able to walk out the door and see such antiquity, and I'm kind of glad it's not all carefully restored and fenced off and restricted. I'm going there right now!


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