Video Tour of the Lodge in Liverpool

Yes, there are already pictures of our Liverpool house on the blog, but I like the video tours I've been doing and wanted one for what has been my favorite place so far. This last weekend, we had to go somewhere else for three nights because they were previously booked when I found this place. Our weekend apartment was closer to the church, which was nice, but way too small for our family and with abysmal internet access and drunk football fans above us, so we were really happy to get back this morning!

A couple of things: this house used to belong to the Jewish cemetery next door and the caretaker lived here, hence all the explanation about which was the front door, etc. Also, if you happen to be counting beds, there are enough for 7 people here, but there's a cot that we set up in the dining room, so one of the boys sleeps there or on the couch, depending on mood and how cold they think it might be. (The cot's colder than the couch, but the couch is not really long enough to be really comfortable.)

(The frame of the video that YouTube has chosen is awful and kind of looks like I'm recording Lillian having a seizure or something, but do not be alarmed. She is just lying on the living room floor complaining about being tired. Does anyone know how to change what YouTube is showing? Will it even be showing the same thing once I post this? I don't know.)


  1. Ooooo I really like this place. It's very nice, seems big enough and has all those old architectural details that are so pretty. And the brick is pretty. I like you purse on the staircase banister. It's cute! :) You all look very English. I was hoping for accents. oh well.


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