Plovdiv Pet Cemetery

Today I visited the Рогошки гробища (Пловдив), a cemetery on the northeastern edge of Plovdiv. It's a large cemetery, with graves mostly from the past 50 years from what I saw.

I was surprised to find along its western wall a sign stating "Гробище за домашни любимци", a cemetery for pets. Literally I think it uses the term "home beloveds" for pets here:

To the left is an unnamed dog, in the middle is Daisy, and to the right Aiya:

Here are a couple I liked especially, with detail views. First, a dog named Karla, 2000–2013, with the note "Обичаме те" ("we love you"):

And then a cat named Viktor:

I guess pet cemeteries probably exist elsewhere, but I don't think I've seen one in person before.

On the topic of cute pets, here are two cats that seemed perfectly posed for a paparazzo like me to come along and take a picture of them:


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