The clock is ticking

Here's a photo of our house while we were packing up our personal stuff last week, getting the house ready to be a vacation rental.

It looked a bit better when we finally left. We spent a day in Idaho Falls with Jon's parents and have been in Layton at my sister Ivy's house for the past couple of days. On Saturday, we saw BYU's production of Phantom of the Opera, in which my brother Ethan played first trumpet in the pit orchestra. It was great fun and at the end, Mira said, "I loved that so much!" even though about two thirds of the way through, she was moaning, "When is this going to be over?" (It's going to be delightful to travel with her.) Then spent some very pleasant hours with our friends the Ausbornes.

Today we went to church in Layton with Ivy's family and I kept thinking that next week we'll be experiencing church in Czech! We finished the Pimsleur lessons yesterday (there are 30 of them) -- Mám rád Prahu! -- but I'm pretty sure we'll understand next to nothing when we get there. It'll be fun! Right?


  1. “Mám ráda Prahu!” for you, I think. Which just proves your point about us lost in the Czech language. :)

  2. Oh, yes, I think you're right. I'm just planning to make lots and lots and lots of mistakes!

  3. How exciting! Good luck traveling today. We are praying for your safety and sanity :) Can't wait to hear of all your adventures. Much love to all of you!


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