More pictures from Scarborough

Jon, Mira, and Seth on the longest railway bench in the world.

Zed and Mira above the beach at Scarborough. You can see the castle up on the hill on the left. (Sorry it's kind of dark.)

Traditional English beach activity: donkey rides.

Zed trying (and failing) to cheer up Mira, who was mad because we didn't immediately pay for her to ride a donkey up and down the beach. (Probably should have caved on that one.)

Sort of smiling against her will.

Seth drawing in the sand. (I would include Mira's sand drawings, too, but her sand people were all angry.)

Everybody except me. I like how Lillian is in the background, framed by the boys, gazing into the distance.

Mira, not mad anymore.

View of the coast from an archway in the castle walls.

Ruined castle tower and castle in the background.

Looking down from just below the castle to the church where Anne Brontë is buried.

Walking up a hill.

The end!


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