Video Tour of our Pocklington House

I made this video a while ago but haven't posted it yet because I wasn't happy with it. I can't remember why now, so I'm just going to post it. Ignore the towels hanging all over the place. There is a fitness center very close and various groups of us have been going swimming once or twice a week, so there are always towels hanging everywhere. Unless, of course, they are lying all over the floor, so I guess I should feel happy that they're hanging up!


  1. I like this house. Your kitchen seems nice. And that bathroom is cool. Too bad it can't be split into two or three. One bathroom is so hard with so many people. It's fun seeing everyone. HI, EVERYBODY! It's me, Aunt IVY!

    1. We like the house, too. The kitchen here is a good size and we have a freezer, which we didn't have in Liverpool. We are doing okay with one bathroom, but it does get ridiculous every now and then. When we go back to Prague, we'll have a separate toilet (toilet and sink) and bathroom (bath/shower, sink, washing machine), which will help.

      I also like the wavy floor upstairs and the stairs of varying heights, although both of those would probably really bother me if we owned the place. Since we're only here for a couple of months, it's just quirky.


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