Church of St. Edith, Bishop Wilton

Seth, Mira, and I continued our bike ride on to Bishop Wilton, about 5 miles' ride from Pocklington. It's a lovely little village with a small beck (creek) flowing downhill through the middle with a grassy green on either side. I've read that there are lot of nice trails in the nearby woods so we'll have to go back and walk some of those.

The Church of St. Edith was open and is very large and ornate considering the size of the village. Parts of the church are from the 12th century, and it was restored in 1858-59.

As with so many churches here, the main door arch features interesting stone carvings, and some interiors arches feature carved heads too:

A brochure there said that the tiled mosiacs on the floor are a copy of a church in the Vatican and may be pre-Christian.

A lot of very interesting historical details appear in Kate Pratt's history of St. Edith (PDF), the Listed Building description, and the Wikipedia article on Edith of Wilton.


  1. Seth and Mira are looking just a bit tired in this picture. :) Great job, kids! I'm truly impressed.


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